
  • HSAL accepts  all Filipino or students with dual citizenship, with any religious affiliation.
  • HSAL reserves the right at any time to refuse, to admit and/or to dismiss any student under certain conditions.
  • HSAL accepts both boys and girls. 
  • HSAL follows DepEd Orders for placement purposes.
  • The following documents are admission requirements for new/transferee pupils/students to be presented to the Admission Office for enrollment: 

           a. Birth Certificate (PSA)

           b. Baptismal Certificate

           c. Form 138 (SF9)

           d. Form 137 (SF10)

           e. Certificate of Good Moral Character

           f. 1 pc. recent ID picture (2″x2″)

           g. Entrance Test & Interview (P150.00 testing fee / 1 long folder)

          Additional Requirements for Transferee from Abroad:

           a. Certificate of Transfer/Release

           b. Certificate of Dual Citizenship/Recognition as Filipino Citizen

           c. Letter of Intent 

          ***For more inquiries, please visit Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag Admission Office or call (077)  600 4228

The admission of transfer students shall be on a probationary basis both academic and disciplinary until the student has completed a residence of one (1) year in the school. 

***Transfer students from another DLCES school will still be subjected to rules governing the admission of transfer students. 

HCCSI School Fees