On June 3, 1926, the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit came to Laoag in response to the invitation of the Bishop of Nueva Segovia, to administer Laoag Catholic School, an elementary school founded by the priests of St. William Parish and which had already been in existence for five years. The school had a poor and simple beginning. Gradually, the enrolment increased as they won the confidence of the people whom they visited around. The parents gave their moral and financial support. After the Second Vatican Council in the 1960’s, it became Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag. The sisters who led HSAL for seventy-five years, dedicated themselves to offer good Catholic and holistic education with high standards. They shared their Trinitarian Spirituality and mission to all the teachers, personnel, students and pupils so that they may know and proclaim the saving love of the Holy Triune God who dwells in their own heart and in the hearts of all people. As religious missionaries, the S.Sp.S. go where the Spirit blows, where it wills to “frontier situation” where they can be of service to the more needy. Thus came the decision to withdraw from the institution. Trusting in the Holy Spirit and with the consent of the Bishop of the Diocese of Laoag, the Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit confidently pass on the administration of the school to a Team of School Administrators (TSA) consisting of three members who were chosen and trained from among the teachers. The TSA, Faculty and Personnel are willing to face the challenge to work together to continue the mission of the school with its goals and objectives and to keep the Spirit alive by living out the Gospel value especially the school motto, “Truth in Love.” After seventy-five years administering HSAL, on April 30, 2001, the SSpS Sisters officially turned over the building and the ground as well as the administration of HSAL to the Bishop of the Diocese of Laoag, Most Rev. Ernesto A. Salgado, who is the President of the Board of Trustees. The SY 2001- 2002 marks the beginning of another chapter in the history of the school. In June 1, 2001, the Team of School Administrators (TSA) together with Rev. Fr. Jacinto Jose, the School Director, led HSAL. In 2006, the TSA is being abolished. Rev. Fr. Rock Guy N. Bonoan, Mrs. Ofelia Melchora M. Sumalin and Mrs. Lydia T. Talaga lead HSAL as School Director, School Principal and Treasurer respectively. 

In this same year, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the school is changed. Bishop Sergio Utleg became the chairman of the Board of Trustees, being the new Bishop of the Diocese of Laoag. Since 2006, the set of school administrators is composed of the School Director, Principal and Treasurer with the Bishop as the chairman of the BOT. Due to the reshuffle of assignments of parish priests, in June 2009 the school is given another school director, Fr. Policarpo M. Albano. After some years, in 2013, Bishop Renato P. Mayugba, being the new Bishop of the Diocese, takes over as the chairman of the Board of Trustees. Another change in the administration happened in 2014 with the appointment of Fr. Tito Romeo N. Bonoan as the Diocesan Schools Superintendent and Director of HSAL. In June 1, 2016, the beginning of the new school year, new administrators are appointed due to the retirement of the former principal. The new leadership team is composed of the principal, assistant principal for Campus Life, assistant principal for Faith Life, Finance Officer and Subject Coordinators.

The School Seal and Motto

The flame symbolizes the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity; the Light of the world, and the concentric circles represent the student’s world outside the school. Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag aims that each student will be imbued with the spirit of Truth in Love which will enable him/her to proclaim the saving love of the Triune God to all people and to reach out to the needy and serve them wherever he/she will be.


We commit ourselves to:

  1. Develop learning communities toward a renewed integral evangelization. 
  2. Provide effective, efficient and ethical services in curriculum and instruction, research and community extension services, student services and human resource management.
  3. Build leadership capabilities in good governance for operational vitality and organizational excellence. 
  4. Expand services in collaboration with glocal strategic partnerships linkages and networks. 
  5. Manage resources, facilities and infrastructure in the spirit of Christian stewardship.


We envision Holy Spirit Academy of Laoag (HSAL) as a creative Christ – centered Catholic educational institution committed to renewing persons into becoming authentic witnesses engaged in the service of the Church and society. 


HOLY SPIRIT ACADEMY OF LAOAG believes that everyone is a learner who aspires for his/her own success, and that everyone has the capacity for excellence while adhering to the true Christian values of charity, justice, truth, love, and kindness to one’s fellow human and other creations of life. 


Educational Partners

Department of Education
Private Education Assistance Commission
Diocese of Laoag Catholic Educational System
Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines


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